
User brunft is from Austria, Salzburg and was born in 1978 deep in the Austrian Alps in Styria, and is no more since 6.3.2004 active Wikipedia member, since he did not know Wikipedia until this day (know this sounds unbelievable).
He is a 176 cm in size and 70 kg in weight human being made of flesh and blood and he loves nothing more than linking html sites. Thus he is the ideal canditate for Wikipedia.
His most favourite and meanwhile exclusive hobby is the computer and all one can do with it.
At time he is (job-related) programming in Visual Basic 6.0 and in the exotic Clarion. But his favourite programming language is Java since he is an OOP-Freak. Additionally he does some web design naturally dynamically in PHP.
His lastly read book is Frédéric Beigbeder: Windows on the World. - which he read in two days and can recommend to all nihilistic pseudo rebells (but consider it does not reach 39,90).